Mom's Doll House

Mom's Doll House
The one that started it all!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My First House

My first kit was a Sugar Plum cottage. I think it was a Greenleaf kit. I got around 1993. I originally decorated it in pastel peach and green and a little old lady lived inside.

I can't find any pictures of the old inside but it was all the tab and slot furniture that comes with kits. It was all painted brown. It was boring and I was never really satisfied with the results. So, I decided it was time for a remodel. I am turning it into a Halloween Costume shop. It will be called "All Dressed Up". I even have a fabric ribbon I bought at Michael's that is orange with black pictures and letters that say "All Dressed Up". (Since I named this, a fancy dress store opened up in the area named "All Dressed Up", too funny!)

I have several Madame Alexander dolls to use in this house. The ones that came from McDonald's Happy Meals. I thought they would look like kids in costume.

This is only a small assortment of M.A. Dolls I have. I also have most of the Wizard of Oz ones for a some day project.

So, now my S.P. Cottage is All Dressed Up. I have painted the shingles in multiple shades of grey to look like slate. The outside is in grey and I have added bricks for a walk way and on the fireplace that are cut up egg cartons which I have painted in four shades of brick/red/terracotta, etc.

The proprietress of the costume shop is a witch. There will be various Halloween themed items in the shop. I have been making and collecting things for a couple of years now and have a ton of items for it. I can't wait to get decorating. My mom has made a lot of cool things for it and recently found some awesome scrap booking paper with bottle labels and some that will be great for wallpaper.

Stay tuned for updates.....

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