Mom's Doll House

Mom's Doll House
The one that started it all!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mini Finds

So, I found a mini find totally by accident today. My husband and I were grocery shopping, a chore I do not like. We were going down the baking aisle and I spot these spice packages from Club House. I pick up two, Rosemary Roasted Chicken and Cran-Apple & Sage Pork chops. You add the spices to meat, rice/potatoes etc. I was looking for something "different".

I say to my husband, "Look what I found". The smartie pants that he is says, "Oh, let me guess, grass, pebbles, dirt, planter material?" I say, "NO! It's for food silly!" So, I buy them for under $2 each and I get them home and THEN I see the mini potential. I didn't see it until I got them home.

So, for less than $2 I now have six small containers. Each is about 3/4 of an inch long and can be storage containers.

I love finding stuff like that!!!

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